Hi! I'm Jean 👋
An experienced Web Designer based in Seattle.

As a passionate Web Designer with 5+ years of experience, I bring a unique combination of technical expertise and creative vision to every project. With a background in programming and UI/UX design, I have a proven track record of delivering high-quality designs that meet business objectives and enhance user experiences.

Bootstrap Themes
Web Design
UX Design
Web Development

Official Recruitment Website Redesign Project @ E.SUN BANK

The Project aims to help the company attract and retain top talent by redesigning a visually appealing and user-friendly Recruitment Website, ultimately contributing to the company's success and growth.

Bootstrap Themes
Web Design
UX Design
Process Integration

Account Opening Process Redesign Project @ E.SUN BANK

The project aims to make it easier and more convenient for customers to open new accounts online by integrating the individual processes for stock account, savings account, and credit card application into one streamlined process.

Bootstrap Themes
Design System
UI kit

Design System Establishing Project @ E.SUN BANK

The project was a crucial step in creating a cohesive and unified design language for our company, enabling us to deliver more consistent and high-quality user experiences across all of our products and services.Ultimately, this will lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and business success for the bank.

Bootstrap Themes
App Design
Design System
UI kit

Dark Mode App Design Project @ E.SUN BANK

The project was to provide a more comfortable and visually appealing experience for users who prefer to use the app in low-light environments, such as at night or in dark rooms. By using a darker color scheme, the app can reduce eye strain and improve readability in these situations.

👉 More Web Design & Development projects on Behance